Fondly known as Odidi Omo, the two-term lawmaker arrived in Mina alongside his wife, Adenike Shakirat Olajide, in preparation for the commencement of the sacred Hajj rituals. Mina, situated in the southeastern region of Makkah, will serve as their temporary abode for several nights during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah.
With its vast expanse of more than 100,000 air-conditioned tents, Mina earned the nickname “City of Tents.” These tents will provide accommodation for pilgrims from Oyo and approximately 160 countries. Renowned as the largest Tent City globally, Mina has the capacity to host up to 3 million individuals.
After spending time in the tent city of Mina, Hon. Dhikirulahi Adedeji Odidiomo is scheduled to ascend Mount Arafat, a pivotal rite preceding the celebration of the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha (Eid El Kabir). In Islamic tradition, the Hajj pilgrimage is considered incomplete without the symbolic ascent of Mount Arafat.
Following this significant act, the honorable lawmaker will proceed from Mina to a nearby village known as Musdalifa. There, he will perform the symbolic act of throwing stones at the Devil between sunrise and sunset. This act commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s rejection of Satan’s temptation and signifies his unwavering commitment to fulfill his vow to Allah by sacrificing his son.
The participation of Hon. Dhikirulahi Adedeji Odidiomo in these sacred rituals exemplifies his dedication to his faith and his reverence for the traditions of Hajj. His presence among the multitude of pilgrims from diverse backgrounds underscores the unity and inclusiveness that characterize the Hajj pilgrimage.
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